If you have questions or would like to chat to our expert team, contact us online, call 0151 448 5423 or email [email protected]

If you’re a UK worker, your employer may automatically enrol you on your behalf. Learn more about automatic enrolment.

If you’re an employer looking for a workplace pension scheme, contact us or read more.

Online Application

Your Personal Details
Your Employer’s Details

Please read the following carefully

I apply to become a member of the BCF Pension Scheme and:

  1. I agree to be bound by the Deed which established the Scheme and the Rules of the Scheme;
  2. I declare that:
    1. For the purposes of obtaining tax relief, total contributions paid by me, or by another individual on my behalf, to the Scheme, and any other registered pension schemes of which I am a member, will not in any tax year, exceed the higher of the basic amount (currently £3,600 gross), and 100% of my relevant UK earnings.
    2. Contributions paid by me, or by another individual on my behalf, which are paid net of basic rate tax, will change if the basic rate of tax changes, to maintain the then total contribution to the Scheme.
    3. I will inform the Administrator if I am no longer entitled to receive tax relief on my contributions to the Scheme. I will do so by the later of:
      • 5 April in the tax year in which I ceased to be entitled to tax relief; and
      • 30 days after the date I ceased to be entitled to tax relief.
    4. I will inform the Administrator within 30 days if:
      • My employment status, or my employer, should change from that indicated in this application, or
      • I stop residing in the United Kingdom.
    5. To the best of my knowledge and belief, all the statements I have made in this application, whether in my own handwriting or not, are correct and complete. I have not kept back any material information.
    6. I am investing in this Scheme because it conforms to the Brethren’s principles. I am aware that this may mean it gives a lower rate of return than other schemes.
  3. I understand that if I cease to be in fellowship with the Brethren, my account will be transferred to the Separate "Mirror Fund".
I accept the above